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Scientific Expedition to Brunei Bay

RM 53.00
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Brunei Bay is situated on the northwestern coast of Borneo Island and opens to the southern region of the South China Sea. The area covers many ecosystem such as estuaries, mangrove swamps, wetlands, and mudflats, which offer a vast array of biological diversity and productive ecosystems. However, many industrial and agricultural activities occur within the catchment area of the bay, such as palm oil plantation development with associated deforestation, construction of a paper mill complex and various other infastructures activities which may threaten the ecosystem of the bay. A series of multi-disciplinary research expeditions were conducted in the bay by the Institute of Oceanography and Environment, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu in order to study the environmental status of this area, particularly the physical, chemical and biological aspects. In addition, research projects related to marine mammals and legal aspects of management of the bay were also carried out. The data generated will serves as baseline information of the current status of the bay and potentially be beneficial to policy makers, researchers and planners for developing an understanding of the bay and support its future environmental management.

Editor: Suhaimi Suratman

Size (inch): 7 x 10 x 0.6

Pages: 210

Weight (book only): 700 g

ISBN: 9789670962184

Year: 2016

Finishing: Softcover, perfect binding

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